Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Yarnalong: Strangling Vines Scarf and more

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:

Hmm, all three pictures are of the same scarf but clearly I have some things to learn about my camera. Anyhoo, I finished the Strangling Vines scarf on December 23rd, blocked it at 11pm and gifted it Christmas Eve. Thank goodness for the light yarn that it dried fast! The wool is Woodland by Classic Elite Yarns and is a combination of wool and nettles. My mother in law was the lucky recipient and when I found the wool I knew it was perfect for her. She used to cook up nettles for family dinners which I thought was a bit strange being as how they STING and all. The stinging part goes away when you cook them and what you're left with is spinach-like vegetation that she usually finely chops and mixes into mashed potatoes. I write this having been in this family for 15 years and it is still strange to me!!
3 pairs of these mittens have knit themselves off my needles this holiday. This pair went to my good friend in London, the second pair wound up on my son's hands by request and the third pair is destined for my Etsy shop in the next couple of days. 
I do need your help though, readers. I need a name for these guys. The best I can come up with is sock mittens because they look like an old-fashioned wool work sock and kind of like a sock monkey mitten without, well, the monkey parts. If you have any suggestions or you think "sock mittens" describes them just fine please leave a comment. To sweeten the deal, if your suggestion speaks to me I'll pop a pair in the mail just for you!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sock Mittens

The other day (last week?) I mentioned I was working on some sock mittens. Here is the finished product finally. I intended these for a friend but am so tempted to keep them for myself. I just love how they look and feel. Then my son saw them and put in an order for a pair. I might be onto something. I think the next pair I make I'll use cream coloured wool for the cuff instead of white. 
Keep an eye on the Etsy shop if you'd like a pair for yourself.
We are easing into the holiday spirit this year and the pace feels just right. Today the kids and I baked gingerbread cookies and the house smells so good. The last of the presents have been bought and I just have one more project on the needles to finish. It has to be done tonight so I can block it and have it ready to give tomorrow night. It's pretty holey so I'm thinking it should be dry in time. Pictures to follow.
Tomorrow I'm going to send the kids around to the neighbours with Christmas cards to keep them busy and get them outside. It's so hard to get them outside when there isn't any snow to play in but it's too cold for biking/roller-blading/hanging out or any of the usual things these 2 enjoy outside. They're fighting like cats and dogs right now with the anticipation of Christmas, boredom, lack of their regular routine and other assorted issues. I bet your kidlets are struggling a bit too.
Here's hoping you're able to savour these last days until Christmas and are finding the "pause moments" to soak in all the goodness of this season whatever your beliefs.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Gratitude Sunday-Light

Joining Taryn today at Wooly Moss Roots blog for Gratitude Sunday:
This Sunday of Solstice I am feeling grateful for:
:: a new car, brought home in the dense fog on Monday. I love this car. It looks like a little mini-van but drives like our old car. 
:: That all the hoopla and hassle from our car accident is finally sorted out and over.
:: finally we are letting in the Christmas season. The tree is up, there is elving happening and our house is full of good food for the holidays. Not sure what the weather is going to do but we're ready for anything.
:: using my pottery lamp. My sister in law gave it to me when I was baptized (at the tender age of 29). I love it's simplicity and beauty. 
:: marking solstice with candles and lamp. Our family of 4 ate dinner together by candlelight and it was lovely.
:: my dishwasher. I am so grateful for my dishwasher. 
:: walking to the grocery store with my daughter this afternoon and being reminded to stop being in a hurry and to let her climb trees and check out what's going on at the pond.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Yarnalong: Sock Mittens?

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:

The custom orders for Yarnnygirl (my Etsy shop) are now 95% done so in a wild fit of rebellion I cast on a pair of mittens JUST FOR FUN this morning. I know...crazy girl that I am.
This mitten practically flew off the needles. I just finished sewing them up and weaving in the ends. You'll have to wait until tomorrow to see the finished product as I'm too tired to dig out the camera, take a photo and wait an eternity for my prehistoric computer to upload it.
I call them sock mittens because they look like a work sock and remind me of a sock monkey. The white wool is Vanna's choice. I'm assuming the colour is called white as I can't immediately locate the ball band. Might be "Coconut meringue in January", you never know with yarn companies. The grey and red wools are Paton's Classic Wool Worsted in Dark Grey Marl and Bright Red. I used a #4 needle and my favourite mitten pattern. 
So, that's what I'm knitting.
As far as reading goes, I haven't really had time to read much this week. Between car shopping and filling Etsy orders I've been falling into bed at 11. When I have had 5 minutes I've turned to Mitten Strings for God . The author and I believe in the same things when it comes to parenting. It's so nice to know I'm not alone in our society of scheduling every minute of your child's time, of instilling the value of family beliefs and traditions. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Gratitude Sunday-Mittens and Cars

Joining Taryn today at Wooly Moss Roots for Gratitude Sunday:
Playing on our devices (photo credit: The Boy)
Chicken Mittens
This week I have been so very grateful for:
:: a fancy rental car to drive while we waited to find out what was happening with our car after last week's car accident
:: meeting with a doctor who will assess The Em-ster for the best ways to help her succeed in school. It was such a relief to speak to a sympathetic person who did not suggest our struggles were only the result of our parenting. 
:: lots of mitten sales through my Etsy shop. So appreciated this time of year.
:: connecting with Lynda who posted about my shop on an Autism Forum. Bless her heart! When I have time over Christmas I'm going to check out this forum for my own Autism questions.
:: frivolous new black boots. I try not to buy too many things new but sometimes I splurge when there's something I really want that I've worked hard for.

Friday, December 5, 2014

This Moment-Mom, Can you teach me how to knit again?

Joining Amanda today at Soule Mama for This Moment:
{this moment} ~ A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Yarnalong: Mittens, Mitten-strings

Joining Ginny at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:

I know, I've been very quiet here this week. It's just been so very busy the last few weeks. First the water heater and water softener died (they were a matched set apparently), then we had a car accident and everything that's needed to be looked after from that. We're all fine thankfully but the car, not so much. I've been madly knitting away at mittens. This week it was Minecraft Creeper mittens for a customer and a pair of minions for another one. So much fun to make and I learned how to add different coloured yarns into my knitting. I've done stripes before but this was a different animal all together. It feels so good to expand your mind and learn something new. If you are in need of creeper or minion mittens (or cat, mouse, chicken, owl, sock monkey mittens) please check out my Etsy shop in the side bar ---->
As far as reading goes, I'm still working on Mitten Strings for God . It's been hard to find more than a few minutes every night to read. It's a good book to read like in fits and starts though as the author organized each chapter to be a different essay. 
I'm going to try to make a concerted effort to be more present here each week as I do enjoy sharing the ins and outs of our life with you.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

If a knitter ever needed knitting it's now...

Sometimes the universe hands you things at times when your hands are so full of other things that you just want to look it in the eyes and break into hysterical laughter at the absurdity of one more thing.
I shouldn't have gone out tonight. The banking and groceries could've waited but I was bound and determined to get it done so I could relax tomorrow and get some knitting done. It had begun snowing but having grown up in the north country I wasn't too fazed by it. However the universe laughed, threw some ice on the roads and a couple of cars in my way and that was that.
We're fine (thank God!) but our faithful Corolla is not. Again the hysterical laughter as I remember we just paid it off a few months ago. Why do these things happen?? What is the good Lord and the universe in general trying to point out to me exactly? So universe. Very funny. Now if I could please have a new car that doesn't require me to make monthly payments that would be great. Thank you.
I'm going to crawl into my favourite chair shortly and finish the Minecraft creeper mittens I promised Lynda from St. Catharine's and let knitting work it's zen magic.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Yarnalong-a Chickadee Cowl and Mitten Strings

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:
It's been snowing like crazy here since noon time and I am feeling lazy today. I should go and finish making lunches, clean up the kitchen and make sure everyone's wet things are laid out to dry for tomorrow but really I just want to curl up on the coach with a cup of tea and my Chickadee Cowl.
 The yarn is Morgana from Estelle Yarns, a mix of 52% superwash wool, 43% acrylic, 3% nylon and 2% poly-metallic (whatever that is). It's soft and thick with a bit of a sparkle. I bought it on the weekend from On The Lamb, a lovely little yarn shop in Uxbridge, Ontario. It's a tradition to visit On The Lamb after my friend and I pack up from the craft sale we do every year. This store is definitely on my list for an installment of Yarn Store Road Trippin'.

Still reading Mitten Strings from God. Reading it slowly and savouring it feels like the right way to take in this book. The author is bang-on about so many things.
What about you? What are you knitting and reading?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Yarnalong: not mittens and Mittens Strings for God

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:
I am not knitting mittens right now. I should be knitting mittens...but I am not. Instead I am knitting the Strangling Vines scarf because this knitter needs a mitten break. I am loving this pattern and loving this wool. The pattern is so nice and easy to follow and produces such a lovely fabric. The wool and nettle combination is a joy to knit with. I love wools that are a little bit stiff and show good stitch definition. The wool is from Classic Elite Yarns' Verde Collection and is called Woodland-65% wool, 35% nettles. It's discontinued but I found it in a little yarn store in Shelburne, ON.
Tomorrow I will be back to the mittens as it is only 3 days till the craft sale and I do not have nearly enough pairs to fill a table. AACCKK!
I finished The Newcomer by Robyn Carr the other day. A good read for sure. Yesterday when I was searching the book shelves for something new to read my eyes settled on Mitten Strings for God, a book I picked up at a charity book sale a few weeks ago. It's written by Katrina Kenison, a mother of 2 boys who also struggles with a busy life of playdates, school commitments, work and looking after her own needs. The premise of the book is slowing life down so you can actually enjoy your life and your children. I've been struggling with this one lately. How can I only be working 2 days a week and still feel stressed out and like there's not enough time in the day for all that needs to be done??!! It spoke to my soul and seems serendipitous, me finding this book at this time. I love it when that happens. She speaks of living more mindfully and how when she slows down and pays attention to her children (simple advice, so often given, so often not taken) her children seem happier too. I have so much to say about this but will leave it here for another day.
How about you? What are you knitting and reading?

Monday, November 10, 2014

Fall is for Mittens

Fall has been a joy and a delight around these parts lately. I snapped these photos on the weekend. The first one is from the mountain of leaves on the street in front of our house, the second is our neighbour's maple tree and the above photo is from the herb bed. The pottery pig is someone's project from pottery camp one summer. I can't quite remember who made it. It and some other pieces grace our garden as lawn ornaments now that they've lost their places of honour in the creators's room.
I'm in full-on craft sale panic mode now. The yellow mittens above need to become chickens, the racoons do have eyes now and the brown mittens were completed this afternoon and became owls. Still on the to do list are 2 pairs of brown bears needing ears and faces, a pair of cats (or possibly mice?) also needing ears and faces, some minions needing to be ripped back and the black goggle band knitted in then completed with the aforementioned goggles. I'd like to knit another pair of grey mice, more minions, and chickens in both yellow and white. Plus I still have to finish the matching mittens for my table-mate's hats. I feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day and going to work tomorrow is really going to slow me down. Arrgghh. But you know what? I am loving every minute of this and can't think of a better way to earn a living.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Yarnalong-The Newcomer & blind Racoon mittens

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:
I just finished adding ears, nose and whiskers to a pair of racoon mittens. I can't find a pair of buttons in my stash that look like racoon eyes so I guess I'm off to the fabric store on Friday. The wool, as always is Vanna's Choice by Lion Brand in the Silver Heather colourway and the black parts are Patons' Canadiana.
I finally got my Kobo working and synching properly so I indulged in a new Robyn Carr novel The Newcomer. I like that Robyn Carr's characters are believable and the plot has some twists and turns.
It's a November day here-dull, grey, wet, yuck. I added the basket of yarn to liven things up. The grey and solid red balls are Cascade 220 I think, the variegated red is an Irish wool from my brother's travels and the big ball of cream is the Australian Corriedale/Alpaca mix I was attempting to wind into a ball a few weeks ago in this post.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Knitted lab mice...mittens

I just put the finishing touches on a pair of lab mice mittens for an Etsy shop customer and thought you might be as entertained by these as I was:
They're going to be a Christmas gift for a lucky college student working with lab mice from her thoughtful and creative mom.
On the weekend I stopped by The Wool & Silk Co. in little Shelburne, ON (you can read about them here) and found the coolest thing-wool with nettles. Who knew such a thing existed?!? They're from Classic Elite Yarns' Verde Collection and the line is called Woodland. The yarn is spun with 65% wool and 35% nettles. Sadly this line has been discontinued but Diane has a pile of it in her store if you're interested in knitting with stinging plantlife.
I'm going to give the Strangling Vines scarf a go with the parakeet colour. 
After the Craft Sale.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Gratitude Sunday-family and outside time

Joining Taryn today at Wooly Moss Roots for Gratitude Sunday:
Feeling grateful this week for:
::The remaining colour in my garden-purple sedums, a lone green cabbage, some hardy kale.
::A successful trip up north to help my parents bring in the firewood for winter-the weekend didn't unfold as we had planned and that's always a challenge for our family. We persevered and had a good time anyway.
::ending the weekend with a family of good friends and good food for lunch.
::the customers who spent their hard-earned money to buy my animal mittens-thanks for enabling my knitting habit!
::getting paid this week and having enough
::visiting my Grandma in hospital and the improvement in her health. So very thankful.
::driving into Toronto all by myself and navigating when I made the wrong turns (twice) and living to tell the tale. If you're supposed to do one thing every day that scares you this was my thing on Friday for sure!
::time outside this week. I love it when the leaves and the foliage are down and you can see the undulations in the land. I find it fascinating. I also love the light in fall-so many colours.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Yarnalong:Jan Karon and Chicken Mittens

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:
I finished another pair of chicken mittens last night for an Etsy customer. She sent me a lovely picture of her daughter and her friend, the chicken and asked me to make mittens just like the chicken. This was so much fun. The yarn is dependable Bernat Super Value in Grey Ragg. I like acrylic yarn for children's things. So much easier to wash when you have to wash it so often. Anywho, chicken mittens are very popular this year.
I saw someone on last week's Yarnalong reading Jan Karon's Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good and I did a small happy dance. I thought Jan Karon was finished with her Mitford series but thankfully not. Her characters are real and believable. The stories usually have a twist I didn't think of. Love, love, love her books. I got it from the library last Saturday, only available as a fast read. There's no way I'm going to be able to finish this before it's due back this Saturday but I wanted a taste. In a couple of weeks when it's in regular circulation I'll check it out again and finish it. It's good to have something to look forward to.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Won't somebody buy me a ball winder and swift??

Plans at our house changed at the last minute this morning after someone-who-will-remain-nameless had an Asperger melt-down. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow so instead of going to Scout day camp we stayed at home and had a quiet day of puttering and whatnot.
(I will never understand why the people who owned the house before us installed a white floor)
(Can you believe that pile of leaves from our street?)
I'm happily knitting many mittens these days and the Etsy shop is going well. I am so grateful for the orders and the interest people are showing in my knitting. But Christmas knitting is looming large in my brain as well and in particular, one vest that will be knitted and given as a gift. I don't freely knit things for everyone. The lucky person has to be someone who will appreciate all the time and work that goes into a knitted thing. And if I'm going to knit something I'd prefer to knit it out of natural fibres so this person also has to appear willing to properly care for the thing I knit.
Hence I found myself spending this free day winding an enormous hank of alpaca/corriedale wool into balls.
As charming as the old rocking chair is to use to hold that hank it sure would be easier if I just had a ball winder and swift. Sigh. Janis Joplin may have wanted a mercedes benz but my plea is for a ball winder and swift. Maybe for Christmas...
The wool came back from Australia with my brother a few years ago and has been languishing in my "good wool" box since. It's soft and slightly hairy thanks to the Alpaca content. I'm hoping to use it to knit the Freeport vest from The Brown Stitch. I'd like to knit the stripes in a cranberry colour maybe. And since no knitter can leave a pattern alone, I'm going to knit mine with buttons down the front instead of the single toggle. 
I'm excited to knit something new and especially out of this wool!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Yarnalong-Geometry of Love and Racoon Mittens

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:
Today I was knitting racoon mittens. These ones will be a medium size with a band of black near the top for the little mask. I need to find some bright black buttons for the eyes still. The total thus far for mittens knitted is 16 and that includes the 4 pairs I sold already. I include them because I'm just so very pleased that other people like them too and since they were knitted to be sold, they count. And because I say so. That's why. The wool is Vanna's Choice by Lion Brand in the colour way of silver heather and the black mask will be Paton's Canadiana in black. The coffee is from the Ethical bean, medium roast. The mug-a gift from my very good craft sale buddy a few years ago. Local potter. Do you feel like you're reading a home dec magazine now? Oh, and the table runner is a Threadin' Yarns original, created a few months ago. I'm displaying the reverse side right now as the right side is displaying it's need to be washed. Ahem.
I am still reading Margaret Visser's The Geometry of Love. She's wordy but I'm finding it all so fascinating. The history of this church goes back to 300 AD. Imagine something existing for that long?Amazing. Right now I'm only managing to get in a few paragraphs a night so this is going to take awhile. Soon I'm going to revolt and go in search of a Robyn Carr novel for a little reading holiday.
How about you? What are you knitting and reading?

Monday, October 20, 2014

Still alive and Knittin'

It has been a busy week here at our house. We had to get ready to close up our little cabin in the woods, plus it was a pay week so there was the big grocery shop to plan for and do. I love, love, love only working 2 days a week but the finances have to be a carefully orchestrated balancing act between needs and wants. Groceries are our biggest expense so I try really hard to keep it to a firm budget. I've been shopping only on pay weeks and carefully planning for 2 weeks worth of food. I am grateful for the farmer's market still operating and my abilities as a cook.
This week I sold 2 more pairs of mittens in my Etsy shop and they needed to be shipped out. On my work table now, awaiting faces are a pair of minions, a cat, an owl, a mouse and either a bear or a chicken. I also have half a racoon pair. This weekend between 9 hours in the car and a few hours warming up by the woodstove at the cottage I knitted 2 more pairs of mittens. One will be a cat and the second will be a bear. I'm still not sick of knitting mittens. Not sure why...with my attention span or lack thereof I should be.
I'm thinking I'm going to knit a few pairs in alpaca or wool and see how they do at my craft sale and on Etsy. I know how much extra time and effort it takes to hand-wash a pair of natural fibre mittens and that's why I've chosen to knit all my mittens thus far out of acrylic yarn. But I can't help thinking of the parents who love natural fibres and prefer to clothe their kids in them. I'm itching to knit with alpaca again so maybe I'll have to make a trip to my LYS and pick some up.
You should all be very proud of me because I finally updated my ancient computer to a new operating system from this decade. However it comes too little, too late as I can't seem to update my browser to anything this thing can handle. Urg. Guess we're off to the computer store in the next couple of weeks. You know what doesn't need updating? or really change? Knitting. Good ol' knitting.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Chickens and Minions...more knitted mittens

The crocheting of the eyeballs has been successful after many, many, many attempts at magic loops and circles of all kinds. It is no wonder the Yarn Harlot refers to them as the evil loops of crochet.
I was so pleased with my efforts this week that I thought I would share these guys with you:

And yes, I know chickens aren't yellow and chicks (who are yellow) don't have combs. But the colours look great together and we'll just call it artistic license. I will knit a pair of chickens in brown to set the universe back to rights.
Don't you love the minions!! They were so much fun to make once I got the eyes right.
You'll also notice to the right my new Etsy shop. I had all these mittens laying around and thought I'd list them on Etsy and see what happens. Call me a sucker for punishment. And yes, I am knitting in every spare moment and have a pair on the go in every room, in every state of production depending on how much time I have at that moment. I'm sure this will get old soon but it hasn't yet so that has to be a good sign (possibly of insanity...)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Yarnalong: Knitting Owl Mittens & Crocheting Eyeballs

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:
This week I've been finishing up the Minion mittens from last week. The biggest hurdle has not been so much the body of the mitten as the big ol' eyeball smack in the centre. I can crochet but it's not something I do regularly so it's been a bit of a learning curve to create a round, neat eyeball. 
Anyhoo, I've also been working on owl mittens. The main body will be brown with a squared top and that really great 1970's shag carpet-like variegated orange wool for eyes and the tufts of feather on the top of the head. 
This makes 8 pairs of finished mittens. Sort of finished. There's a cat with only ears, a blind chicken mitten and 2 pairs of Minions needing eyes and goggles. Minor details. Eek.
I've been reading Margaret Visser's The Geometry of Love . I picked it up from the library book sale in the spring. Margaret takes the Sant' Agnes church in Rome and goes over the history of the church and the meaning behind pretty much everything in the building. I'm always interested in the symbolism of churches. Everything means something it seems. If you like the history behind buildings this would be a good one for you. Margaret is a little wordy I find but it's still very readable. I put Farewell my Subaru down for now. I wasn't feeling it this week. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Gratitude Sunday- Fall, Food and Family

Joining Taryn today at Wooly Moss Roots blog for Gratitude Sunday:
This week seemed to fly by. I don't know what happened but here I am back at Sunday again.
Feeling grateful this week for:
*fall settling in around here. I've loved the warm weather that hung on for so long but it's time for fall now. I'm ready for warm pajamas and cool nights, fleeces and mittens.
*an evening of good food and good conversation in honour of my sister in law's birthday. I don't get to eat out very often so her kind offer to buy all of us dinner at a local Thai-Vietnamese restaurant was much appreciated.
*lots of time to knit. I won't bore you with mitten counts...this time ;)
*the abundance of produce at the market these days. I bought so much good stuff yesterday-squash, a bushel of apples, beans, broccoli, garlic, beets.
*lunch at my in-law's house this afternoon with some relatives we haven't seen in awhile. The kids were so well-behaved. The opportunity to help in my small way so my mother in law could host this party. She loves to host parties but finds it to be a lot of work.
What about you? What are you feeling grateful for this week?

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Yarnalong-Farewell my Subaru & Green Mittens

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:
I've been reading Doug Fine's Farewell my Subaru this week. It's Doug's story about moving to a ranch in New Mexico and endeavouring to live a more sustainable and eco-conscious life. I haven't read very far, and he still has his Subaru. I find Doug's style of writing hard to get into so far. I can't help thinking if I was a guy I would find it easier to read. Hard to explain. I'm interested in his story however so I'll keep on with it and hope I get into it as I go along.
Although I love knitting mittens I'm finding it a bit tiresome sewing up the sides using my pattern for 2 needle mittens. I found this pattern for "plain mittens" in an old knitting book from my Grandma. It's knit with dpns so I'm giving it a whirl. Knitters...I have seen the light. Knitting mittens in the round is so much easier. And, I don't need to make left and right mitts with this pattern. 
The yarn is Vanna's Choice by Lion Brand in Kelly Green. I'm thinking they might be Oscar the Grouch or frogs. We'll see.
For those keeping track, I am up to 6 pairs of finished mittens. Boy am I behind.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Gratitude Sunday-summer's last hurrah

Joining Taryn today at Wooly Moss Roots for Gratitude Sunday:

Some photos of our walk today on the trail beside the river. It has been 25C for the past 4 days. We're all busy enjoying the days of this warm spell knowing this is probably summer's last hurrah. 
This week I've felt grateful for:
:: the warm weather and all that comes with it-kids playing outside until it gets dark, hanging laundry out to dry, still wearing shorts and sandals, the windows open
:: lots of time to knit and not getting tired (yet) of only knitting mittens
:: checking out some neat businesses in town. Small businesses are awesome in that they can offer services big box stores can't or won't. For example, the little art store that also offers free range, organic chicken eggs. How great is that??
:: the carrots the Em-ster found on her way home from school that someone had planted on the boulevard. I love guerilla gardening! Perfect timing as I was making chicken potpie and we'd run out of carrots.
:: my mother-in-law offering us eggs yesterday when I was down to my last 4.
:: a walk near the river and all the wildlife we saw. Enthusiasm for this walk was on the low side until we came across a little snake, then a grasshopper, followed by wooly bear caterpillars
:: the simple abundance in my life that comes to my attention when I most need it. We have so much.