Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sock Mittens

The other day (last week?) I mentioned I was working on some sock mittens. Here is the finished product finally. I intended these for a friend but am so tempted to keep them for myself. I just love how they look and feel. Then my son saw them and put in an order for a pair. I might be onto something. I think the next pair I make I'll use cream coloured wool for the cuff instead of white. 
Keep an eye on the Etsy shop if you'd like a pair for yourself.
We are easing into the holiday spirit this year and the pace feels just right. Today the kids and I baked gingerbread cookies and the house smells so good. The last of the presents have been bought and I just have one more project on the needles to finish. It has to be done tonight so I can block it and have it ready to give tomorrow night. It's pretty holey so I'm thinking it should be dry in time. Pictures to follow.
Tomorrow I'm going to send the kids around to the neighbours with Christmas cards to keep them busy and get them outside. It's so hard to get them outside when there isn't any snow to play in but it's too cold for biking/roller-blading/hanging out or any of the usual things these 2 enjoy outside. They're fighting like cats and dogs right now with the anticipation of Christmas, boredom, lack of their regular routine and other assorted issues. I bet your kidlets are struggling a bit too.
Here's hoping you're able to savour these last days until Christmas and are finding the "pause moments" to soak in all the goodness of this season whatever your beliefs.

1 comment:

  1. The mittens look amazing and it's so sweet that your son wants a pair as well!
