Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Yarnalong: Nature and Knit On!

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:
From the pile of books I brought home from the library on Saturday I decided to begin with The Nature Principle by Richard Louv. He wrote Last Child in the Woods, and coined the term "Nature Deficit Disorder". Something about this topic stirs my soul and I just want to read everything I can get my hands on. I believe that kids belong outside as much as possible but I forget that grown ups need to be outside just as much as kids. This book is full of studies and statistics (but presented in an interesting way) about the benefits to us all of spending more time outside. A point he brought up in his first book, that has stuck with me is how can we expect our kids to play outside if we're never outside?
I am terrible at hibernating in the winter time and just being a bad example to my kids. I love to be out from April till October but come winter I need a shoe horn to get me out that door. I like that Richard Louv's books aren't all doom and gloom and are written in an encouraging, non-judgemental tone.
 Thank you for all the comments weighing in on whether I should keep on knitting the Lorelei Scarf in this crazy sock yarn or frog it. Survey says...knit on! So I have been and glad of it.
It's a pretty easy pattern to follow although I keep forgetting to yarn over at least once, get to the end of the next row and realize I'm one stitch short. I'm getting very good as tinking back to the point of my error. If only I could get better at paying attention to what I'm doing and not forget in the first place. When I knit my mind wanders far, far away and hence the missing yarn overs. I think this is why I failed so miserably at the Kirin Shawl I wrote about here and here. I will knit it yet...when my kids go to university maybe...


  1. I love the striping on your scarf! Tinking back becomes a craft all it's own doesn't it? I do it often... sigh.

  2. I am glad you kept your scarf. Just keep working!

  3. I love this scarf. The stitch pattern is so interesting and the yarn is so bright and whimsical. I too forget to do yarnovers. My current knitting project is one stitch short and I refuse to go back and fix it. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks :) I laughed out loud at your refusal to go back and fix your missing stitch. Stupid inanimate objects not behaving ;)

  4. What a pretty scarf. I really like that yarn.
