Sunday, March 1, 2015

Gratitude Sunday-Manifesting Abundance

Joining Taryn today at Wooly Moss Roots blog for Gratitude Sunday. A time to look back at the week that was and reflect with gratitude.
Feeling grateful this week for:
::a sense of abundance in my life. I've been really focussing on paying attention to all we have instead of what we don't have. When I focus on lack of money or time or what's missing in the fridge I feel poor but when I consciously notice and thank God for what we have I feel pretty content. It's like the more I notice it, the more of it comes our way.
::wool. Not in my knitting this time but in my clothing. It's been a cold week and I am thankful for all the long underwear and fleeces I own that make life bearable here.
::the effort my daughter is putting into getting along with her brother. I know it's hard for her to let things go and I appreciate her trying. It brings much needed peace into this house.
::report cards from both kids showing improvement in many areas. I am so proud of them both for overcoming many of their challenges to shine academically and be productive members of their classes.
::Tasty Chicken from Fix It and Forget Cookbook for Entertaining. That was last night's dinner and was it ever good!
::progress on the scarf I'm knitting. I love knitting with variegated yarn and how the knitting seems to go that much faster when the colour is changing every 4 rows. I must have a short attention span.
::March 1st and the hope that brings with spring coming. I always feel in March that I can begin to hope, that the end of winter is in sight and I am going to make it after all (cue Mary Tyler Moore theme music...)
::church this morning-the rhythm of the service, hymns that were a joy to sing and snippets of sentences that spoke to my soul.
::the joy in my daughter's face and heart when she asked for a Betta fish and instead of saying "Let's think about it" or "We can't afford it right now" I said yes. We'd been wanting to get her a pet for awhile and had some money put away for the purchase. Abundance again.
::looking forward to speaking to Kathy Stowell of Bliss Beyond Naptime fame about some next steps for turning my dreams of working from home into reality.


  1. i agree, focusing on what we do have is a practice i need to focus on more. we have so much that we forget about. <3 have a lovely week.

    1. It's a hard thing to do for sure. We're always surrounded by messages saying we need more, newer, latest etc when in actual fact we are so very rich in what we already have. I saw a quote somewhere that said "There are people in this world who would be happy with half of what you have". Puts it into perspective.

  2. What a very thoughtful gratitude list! I love your statement about your attention span and the alternating colors in knitting! So true!

    1. Thanks Amber. Sometimes I feel like a spastic gerbil and can totally understand ADHD!
