Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Yarnalong: Proving Progress in one's Knitting

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong.
 This post looks like a repeat of the past 2 weeks but I am making progress on both knitting and reading fronts. I'm about half way through Richard Louv's The Nature Principle. One of the most interesting things I've read so far is this:
"Our research shows that maintaining bio-diversity levels is important..not only for conservation, but also to enhance the quality of life for city residents," said Richard Fuller of the Department of Animal and Plant Science at Sheffield. In related work, that exposure to the natural environment leads people to nurture close relationships with fellow human beings, to value community, and to be more generous with money. By contrast, the more intensely people in the study focused on "artificial elements," the higher they rated wealth and fame. Another reason to go outside-it makes people feel more generous and focus on the good stuff in life!
 The Lorelei scarf is coming along slowly. Believe it or not, it's about 2" longer this week than last. I made a conscious effort to knit more on it over the past few days so when I took the pictures for this post it would look at least a little bit different than last week! Do any of you regular contributors to Yarnalong find yourselves doing that?? It's a good incentive.
I was sorely tempted this week to drop everything and start the Lady Kina sweater. It's been on my Pinterest board for awhile and I found it on Ravelry the other day. Someone has knit it in a bright mustardy yellow that appeals to me very much. I feel like I would look like the dog's breakfast in mustardy yellow but I do like how it looks over a stripey navy tee. Perhaps I can split the difference and find a grass green colour. I desperately crave bright green clothes in March.
However with great amounts of self-control I have not started the Lady Kina, remembering this scarf and the sweater I still have to finish for The Em-ster. Sigh.


  1. I knit like the wind most Tuesday nights so I have something different to photograph for Yarn Along! It does work. The scarf really does look nice with those colors.

    1. I love it! I thought for awhile it was just me but I'm happy to know it's not! I love the yarn too and am enjoying the feeling of progress as I go from one to colour to the next.

  2. I love the color combination. That is going to be such a fun scarf!

  3. That books sounds interesting, It is so weird that nature has become so removed from peoples' lives - it is something you have to make an effort to 'go to', whereas in previous generations it was just part of their everyday lives.
    Love the colour of that yarn. And I can see why you want to start the Lady Kina - perfect for spring!

    1. I know eh? But I guess in the past a lot of people lived on farms or even if they lived in the cities and towns they were still outside on front stoops or tending gardens. I agree it's weird but am susceptible also to having to make the effort.
      That Lady Kina is sure calling my name...

  4. I am loving that yarn! Its like confetti in scarf form! I will confess to being motivated exclusively by Yarn Along looming some weeks! :)
    And that book sounds like a great read! Thanks for the quote its whetted my appetite to read more.

    1. Definitely worth the read and I love the idea of confetti in scarf form!
      I wonder if Ginny realizes the effect Yarnalong has in terms of hurrying us along in our knitting??
