Monday, February 2, 2015

Snow Day

The school board declared a snow day today due to the foot and a half of snow that fell last night. The Boy was up and out the door early this morning with shovel in hand hoping to earn a little money clearing people's driveways. The Em-ster struggled with a bit of insomnia last night so she slept in until about 8:00 and is now out with her friend across the street playing in all this fluffy white stuff. I think it is such a beautiful day.
I love honest-to-goodness snow days where it's just piled up everywhere. Usually around here school only gets cancelled when there's freezing rain and then the day is just grey and dreary and wet and you can't go outside at all but a snow day is all light and white and snow falling and nowhere to be.
The Em-ster's poor snowman.
So, I plan to spend most of the day knitting, simmering chicken stock on the stove and shovelling my own driveway. Both kids have slogged their way down our driveway, shovels in hand to clear out other people's driveways but no one has shoveled out our own. Hmm, funny how that works eh?

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