Monday, January 5, 2015

Knitting, Growing, Goaling in 2015

I just finished reading Soulemama's post about her intentions for 2015 and it inspired me to do the same.
Every year I vow to do the usual: eat better, floss everyday, exercise more, expand my mind etc., etc., etc., and I feel like I'm over this stuff. Mostly I eat well, floss, exercise and read so I guess I've kept my resolutions. But I don't feel excited or enthusiastic about any of those things right now.
My goal for 2015 is to work from home. It's not a resolution or an intention, it feels so strong it's definitely a goal. I like being home, being available when kids are sick and can't go to school, planning and preparing healthy whole food meals and most of all being in control of our financial situation.
I enjoy knitting for my Etsy shop so much that I feel like it's my calling. Time seems to slow down when I sit down to knit a pair of mittens and what a great feeling that is. The job I work at 2 days a week sucks the life out of me and it is clear to me that I am meant to work from home. I've applied to all sorts of jobs in the past few months without success and the small, quiet voice in my head just keeps saying "home". Alright then. Home it is.
The other night I made myself a little plan with small, manageable steps so wish me luck!
What you'll notice is more regular blog posts as well as mitten patterns for sale in the sidebar and on Ravelry. If I may be so bold, I hope to join some of my fellow bloggers and acquire some well-chosen sponsors to advertise here as well.
Lots of people have been talking about one word they've chosen to describe or guide them through the year. I haven't discerned one in particular yet but some in the running are: knit, grow, expand and peace. Last year's words were "breathe" and "create". Looking back they were so very accurate in describing the theme of my year. Amazing.


  1. Beautiful and inspirational post! I can definitely relate to what you're saying...
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I just want to say that anyone who quotes Anne Shirley in a blog comment (or otherwise) totally makes my day. That's all, Well, except that I also want to tell you that daily flossing is possible! Maybe I will learn how to knit mittens.
