Friday, April 18, 2014

Behold the Holden!

About 2 weeks ago I finally finished my Holden Shawlette. I may have mentioned it before...once or madly in love with this thing I am. It's my first attempt at lace work and I will admit there were times I thought I'd have to put it away until I had more time to pay attention to the pattern. Possibly around the time my children began moving out. Then a friend asked to see it and renewed my enthusiasm and hope for the project. A year ago she wore an amazing dress all done in lace work and using a lovely fluffy, fine wool. She has 3 children, all of them still living at home and she managed to finish a whole dress. A whole dress! There was hope!

I first saw the Holden at On The Lamb, a great wool store in Uxbridge, ON. It was done in the same wool I ended up using and it was gorgeous. I was with my friend and her mom, it was my birthday weekend and we were drooling over it (maybe it was just me drooling ;)) My friend's mom asked me if I would be able to knit something like that and I said I could probably do it. Anyone can follow a pattern was my reasoning. Before I knew it I was choosing the colour of wool and being handed a shopping bag with wool and pattern. Happy Birthday to me! I bought a set of circular needles and began that night. 
It was actually not that difficult once the pattern gets going. 
The wool I used was Lang's Mille Colori, socks & lace luxe superwash. The colour is 6992. I'm sure it has a beautiful poetic name but that's all my ball band gives me. The wool knit up nicely although I had to be careful during the times I frogged it because it would get sort of fluffy and hard to deal with. The moral of that story is: don't frog it, pay attention and for goodness sake put in a lifeline every few rows, Amanda!
I haven't been able to find someone to take a picture of me wearing it yet but I feel like it will show up in a post soon. Stay tuned!


  1. Amanda,
    That looks beautiful! Congratulations on finally finishing it! I can't wait to see it in person & will definitely share the link with Mom, who will be very excited to see the finished product!!
    :) V

    1. Beautiful work Amanda. I am totally taking claim on having an impact on it's beauty....afterall, it likely started at my kitchen table....I can hope anyway can't I? Keep knitting, and writing. I'm enjoying both. Kirsten

    2. Yes, I owe it's fabulousness to the inspiration found in Uxbridge and your kitchen. Kitchens inspire more than cooking I think. So happy you found me and I'll keep up all this goodness, to be sure ;)

  2. It looks great in the pictures, but having seen it ON you and in person, it looks even better!
