Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Yarnalong: Out of the Woods and Knittin' Mittens (still)

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:

Still knittin' mittens and will be for awhile. Soon I'll have some more completed ones to show you and I'm pretty excited about that. Knitting the mittens is satisfying but putting on the ears and faces is pretty fun.
In case you're wondering, the wool is Vanna's Choice from Lion Brand. Some excellent, soft acrylic yarn. Perfect for kid's mitts.
I'm reading Lynn Darling's Out of the Woods that I picked up a few weeks ago at the library. It's about Lynn's struggle with finding a new identity after her only child leaves home for college. Lynn decides to move her life to the country from New York City thinking quiet and solitude and time in nature would be just the thing to help her figure out who she is now and what to do next. Lynn's writing is almost lyrical in its perfect descriptions of life and wilderness. She is both funny and raw and this book is a pleasure to read.
I'm a long way from the empty nest stage of my life but I know how fast time flies. I do wonder what it will be like when my kids are gone and I am left with myself.
The wooden chair that was my prop for the above picture came from a booth at the International Plowing Match today. We took the kids out of school for the day and drove to little Ivy, ON to check out all things farm. Our first stop was the Stihl chainsaw booth where one of the reps chainsawed this little chair as a demonstration for the crowd. When the Em-ster asked if she could have it, he said sure. He was kind enough to let us store it at the booth until we were done for the day. I'll have more to say about our day soon including pictures of wool and spinning and bashful, long-lashed alpacas.

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