Sunday, March 30, 2014

Gratitude Sunday

Joining Taryn today at wooly moss roots for Gratitude Sunday~

Things I am Grateful for Today
1. FINALLY a warm and sunny day, the snow melting
2. Kids playing outside on bikes and scooters and playing road hockey
3. Time together as a family in Stratford, ON
(votive holders at Ten Thousand Villages in Stratford, ON)
4. Almost, almost finishing my Holden Shawlette on the car ride
5. Chocolates from Chocolate Barr's in Stratford. Decadent, so decadent!
6. 5 delicious jars of bean and bacon soup sitting in the fridge for my lunches this week
7. Cleaning out all the refined sugar in our house. Our doctor recommends that The Em-ster avoid refined sugar in hopes it will improve how she feels and how she behaves. No argument here!
8. Making time for myself to read and work through the tasks in The Artist's Way.
9. Time to play with word art.

10. A belated Christmas gift from a friend.
(Behold, my almost finished Holden Shawlette and a sheep yarn bowl-how awesome is that??!!!)


  1. I love your yarn bowl!

    Lovely list, hope you have another great week :)

    1. Thanks! I wish I knew the potter who made it to give credit where credit is due.
      I hope you have a great week too :)
