Thursday, March 13, 2014


Today I am trying to:
Remember that this winter will not last forever,  that this new dose of snow and cold is only temporary and in a month from now there will be robins and bare, muddy ground and maybe even crocuses poking up their heads. The kids will be outside more than inside doing stuff like this:

Keep in mind that most things are only temporary like money being tight and these kids talking always in my ear. That one day in the all too near future The Boy will not be around so much and I will miss hearing all about his week at Grandma and Grandpa's house and being "made" to watch the Rick Mercer Report. And once that car is paid off we will have extra money again.

Maintain a positive attitude because I may not always love my job or cleaning toothpaste spit off the bathroom sink but it's not all that bad at the end of the day. A positive attitude changes everything including the people around you. The trick is to find the happy and hold onto it.

Relax and do what I want to do instead of what I think I should do. I always see the messes that need to be cleaned up, and the lunch that needs to be made and I tire myself out so I have nothing left to give. Today I will knit some and read some and the messes can be cleaned up tomorrow.

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