Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Advice from this side of the snugli

Friends of ours are pregnant with their first child. My feelings upon hearing this news were surprisingly mixed. At first I thought "that's so great" because I love babies and I have a hankering to hold one. Then I thought "Wow are they in for a ride!" because parenting is no easy gig. Rewarding yes, but not easy.
I was trying to think what I would give them as a gift and quickly dismissed the usual onesies, sleepers and toys. They'll get all that from doting relatives and friends. I remember when my own children were small that we didn't have much extra money and I only bought 2 toys for them until they were 3. I also remember depending on birthday and Christmas gifts to fill their closets with what they needed for clothing. Thrift shops were even out of the question, we were so tight for money. While it was hard in those early years I don't think my children wanted for anything. They had a few toys that we rotated, plenty of books and enough clothing to get through the season. What we did receive was very much appreciated and well looked after. So from my perspective, what to give as a meaningful gift that would be truly appreciated? This is what I've come up with so far:

A blank book and a pen-for recording firsts, memories and little stories. My mother in law has filled 2 blank books with stories of her days with my son when he was small. I have books filled with odds and ends that I love to revisit. There are things in there that I would never have remembered if I hadn't taken 2 bleary-eyed moments to write down.

Parenting books-my favourites are The Baby Book by Dr. Bill Sears. Everything from the value of attachment parenting to what Fifth's Disease looks like. Also Raising Your Kids Without Raising Your Voice by Sarah Chana Radcliffe. I've read a lot of great parenting books and this one worked the best for us. Kids are Worth It by the great Barbara Colorosa. It's never too early to start talking about rules and discipline with your significant other.

Kleenex-I always seem to be running out of it at the worst moments!

Coupons for a year's worth of free babysitting-new parents get so caught up in looking after the new person in their life that they forget to look after their relationship. Never mind the cost of a babysitter when you're down to maternity leave pay and one income.

What would you give a new parent that you yourself would have appreciated as a new parent?? What do you wish someone had told you when your first baby showed up on the scene?

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