Sunday, April 26, 2015

Gratitude Sunday: Beginnings and Green Things

Joining Taryn today at Wooly Moss Roots blog for Gratitude Sunday-a chance to look back at the week that was and reflect with gratitude.

Feeling grateful this week for:
::a body aching from a few hours of hard work. I raked the leaves off the veggie garden this afternoon, dug new paths and planted lettuce, radishes and onions.
::warm sun and wind to dry my laundry.
::2+ hours, 3 days a week all to myself to blog, read, research and knit
::being forced to walk to work on Friday. I'm always trying to cram as much as I can into the time before I go to work that I usually drive rather than walk. What I need to do is walk for the fresh air and exercise
::the wisdom to go for a run with my daughter this week. I remind myself that as long as she's still asking to do things together we're alright and it's my job to say yes as often as I can.
::sleeping with the window open
::the silence in the evening when I am the only awake, the house is dark and peaceful and I can hear myself think.
::being aware of the anticipation, the pause next door as my neighbours await the birth of their second child. It's a special time and I remember the watching and waiting and knowing that the time alone with our son before our daughter was born was coming to an end.

1 comment:

  1. we have been sleeping with our door open, it is so wonderful.
