Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Yarnalong: not mittens and Mittens Strings for God

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:
I am not knitting mittens right now. I should be knitting mittens...but I am not. Instead I am knitting the Strangling Vines scarf because this knitter needs a mitten break. I am loving this pattern and loving this wool. The pattern is so nice and easy to follow and produces such a lovely fabric. The wool and nettle combination is a joy to knit with. I love wools that are a little bit stiff and show good stitch definition. The wool is from Classic Elite Yarns' Verde Collection and is called Woodland-65% wool, 35% nettles. It's discontinued but I found it in a little yarn store in Shelburne, ON.
Tomorrow I will be back to the mittens as it is only 3 days till the craft sale and I do not have nearly enough pairs to fill a table. AACCKK!
I finished The Newcomer by Robyn Carr the other day. A good read for sure. Yesterday when I was searching the book shelves for something new to read my eyes settled on Mitten Strings for God, a book I picked up at a charity book sale a few weeks ago. It's written by Katrina Kenison, a mother of 2 boys who also struggles with a busy life of playdates, school commitments, work and looking after her own needs. The premise of the book is slowing life down so you can actually enjoy your life and your children. I've been struggling with this one lately. How can I only be working 2 days a week and still feel stressed out and like there's not enough time in the day for all that needs to be done??!! It spoke to my soul and seems serendipitous, me finding this book at this time. I love it when that happens. She speaks of living more mindfully and how when she slows down and pays attention to her children (simple advice, so often given, so often not taken) her children seem happier too. I have so much to say about this but will leave it here for another day.
How about you? What are you knitting and reading?


  1. Mitten Strings For God is fabulous. And that yarn sounds interesting - I love the colour.

  2. I too love that yarn! I was sad to see it is discontinued. The book sounds wonderful!
