Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Yarnalong: The Sock & the Power of Less

Joining Ginny today at Small Things for Yarnalong:
I just love the evening light in summer. When I'm at home in the city it reminds me of sunsets at the cottage and driving home from a day at the beach on Lake Huron. It puts me in that easy-going summer frame of mind even if the reality is that I have to go to work.
I'm still knitting away on the sock and still working on the heel, one row at a time as I have time. I'm a year round knitter but I definitely knit less in the summer and spend more time digging in the dirt in the gardens. Especially this year with more time at home to tend to all the gardens.
I finished Blossom Street Brides and it did not disappoint. I want to read another Debbie Macomber but I found these 2 books at the library and I'd like to finish them first before I treat myself to a little fiction. The first, Opening the Mind's Eye by Ian Robertson, is about how language and images are related. There's a great chapter about worry and which side of the brain it comes from and how it's a language-based problem. If you imagine what you're most afraid of instead of just worrying in words over and over again it can make the worry disappear. Interesting idea. I haven't delved too much into this book yet but I'll keep you posted.
The second one, The Power of Less by Leo Babauta, is about simplifying your life in every way from the amount of stuff you own to how you order your day to reducing commitments. Leo is the author of the blog Zen Habits. He suggests if one of the things that's driving you crazy is all the time you spend tidying up and dealing with all your stuff then challenge yourself to get rid of everything your own except 200 things. I've been talking about this book to my husband and son and we agreed to challenge ourselves to donating 200 things. So far we have a big pile of books, some clothing and extra kitchen stuff. I don't think its quite enough yet but its a great start.


  1. Last year I spent a couple months getting rid of 25 things a day (sometimes just 25 useless pens and pencils...often nothing big, sometimes really big)....inspired by Leo Babauta! It was extrememly satisfying to get rid of at least a little underlying clutter. Probably time to do it again!!! Good luck with your purge.
    Love the socks!!! (I'm juggling two pairs right now....perfect summer knitting)

    1. 25 things a day! Good for you-that's ambitious. I saw a thing on Pinterest the other week that said "Someone else is happy with less than you have". I've been trying to keep that in mind as I purge.
      Glad you like the socks, they got even more colourful and crazy when I turned the heel. I'll share a picture on Wednesday for Yarnalong.
