Sunday, August 3, 2014

Gratitude Sunday-embracing and letting go

Joining Taryn today at Wooly Moss Roots for Gratitude Sunday:

For whatever reasons today the grass has seemed the greener, the sun warmer and the house more peaceful. I set out with one intention for this day-no work. No work means not doing things I think I should be doing but really don't want to do such as the incessant tidying I seem to do, anything on my to do list, and cleaning. I set out intending to read until I was done reading, putter in the garden if I felt like it and make stuff if the spirit moved me. Today has been a good day and I feel ready to tuck into cleaning, working, and getting the stuff done on my to do list...tomorrow.
Some things I feel particularly grateful for today and this week are:
::seeing my girl off on her epic trip to Germany with her Oma and Aunt. Knowing she arrived safely, she's all good and having a great time. I love hearing from her each day and learning about the high points of the day: things that include schnitzel, pretzels and climbing stuff.
::learning to use my shiny new DSLR camera and finally getting the pictures I had in my head.
:: reading until I'm done (had I mentioned this already?) it's a big one. I'm reading Debbie Macomber's Blossom Street Brides and loving the knitting she tucks into her story.
::weeding and sorting out the oft-forgotten perennial bed. It usually gets left till last on the list of garden beds to be tended to. It's not very exciting right now as the previous owners only planted things that bloom in spring and fall and it's situated smack-dab in the middle of the backyard where no one but me sees it. I usually expend my time and energy on the front yard beds and the vegetable garden.
::breakfast out with the 3 of us and my father in law. I love love love breakfast out.
::getting in a good run after dinner. I ran more than I walked and I feel pretty good right now.
::only having to go to my job 2 days this week, the other 3 days I am free to devote to my own creative projects that will hopefully bring in some money to contribute to the household finances.
What about you? What are you feeling grateful for today and this week?

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