Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What real parenting looks like

So while my kids were tubing tonight:
(that blur in the middle ground may or may not be one of my children)
My mitten and I hung out in the "chalet" while His Lordship talked to all the other fathers who were also waiting.
(can you see the emptied Advil wrapper?? have you ever tried to wash down 2 Advil liqui-gels with a scalding cup of mint tea? Not easy, let me tell you!)
It's a school night and it's now 9:30pm and both kids are still up trying to wind down from an exciting day. I am nursing a pounding headache, wondering what on earth I am going to pack in lunches tomorrow when our cupboards are almost empty and payday isn't until tomorrow. Have you been there? I bet you have. This is what real parenting looks like. I would like to show you a picture of the fabulous healthy lunch I am going to pull out of some mysterious corner of my pantry all ready for times like these. I would like to be that person but I am  not (at least not today ;)). I'm ok with that though because I just took my kids tubing on a school night and they had a great time.

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