Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Yarnalong: Be Simple & Raising a Wild Child

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:
 Reading: I found How to Raise a Wild Child by Scott Sampson last week at the library. It sort of follows in the footsteps of Richard Louv's Last Child in the Woods & The Nature Principle. It's meant to be a practical guide to getting your kids and therefore yourself outside. Thus far it's an easy read with many of the same statistics and ideas I found in Louv's books. I haven't gotten very far into it yet to give it a fair review but it's a topic that interests me greatly so I'll keep you posted.
 Knitting: Still working on my Be Simple Shawl. I think I'm getting close to being done. It's finally starting to look like a shawl as opposed to a strange triangle thing. I'm onto the 3rd of 4 balls of wool so it's going to have to be done soon! It's finished with a picot bind-off which will use a ton of wool and I'm saving the last ball for that. What a nice, easy knit though. Perfect for mindless knitting-at work (if you are so lucky), road-trips and hands-off parenting moments when you need to look like you're not micro-managing what's going on but really you are ;)


  1. Those books look really awesome. :) I don't plan on having any kids, but I could use something like this to inspire myself!

    1. I hear you-I know I need to get outside but also find it hard to motivate myself. Because of that, I started another blog called You Belong Outside:
      Check it out when you have a minute.

  2. That is going to be a pretty shawl!

  3. love the color. i am a big fan of simple patterns. :)

    1. I hear you! When my kids don't need me as much I have great plans for intricate lace-work shawls and cable-knit sweaters but for now I'm loving the simple patterns.

  4. That is a beautiful colour, and mostly simple is best - it looks great.

  5. The book sounds good! I would definitely describe my two as wild children! We're always outside, always the only people out in the bad weather!
