Watching the kids play yesterday after visiting my Grandma.
A cool burl in a tree in the park. I am told this bump makes amazing wooden bowls.
Games and knitting after dinner tonight.
Feeling grateful this week for:::a visit with my Grandma. I called her up a few days beforehand and asked her what she's been missing, what she'd really like to eat and she asked for a Harvey's hamburger and pop. So, we all got hamburgers and pops and had a picnic on the floor of her room complete with a checked picnic blanket. I'm sure the workers at the home were cringing when they saw our bags and I'm pretty sure my aunts would not be too happy with me! The poor woman is 90, wheelchair-bound due to arthritis and living alone in a nursing home. If she wants a hamburger, she should have a hamburger once in awhile!! But I digress.
::a visit with the pediatrician to help us sort out The Em-ster's issues. While she was rather abrupt, she did have a few suggestions on some things we could do to make things better in the mean time.
::Easter chocolate :)
::ending Lent with a homemade bun I baked yesterday and saved especially for the end of my 40 days without wheat. So good!
::warm days this week
::a few hours at home alone yesterday. I spent the time finishing some overdue mending, cleaning up and cleaning out, reading and knitting.
::almost done The Em-ster's sweater body. She's beginning to get excited. It's an at-home project now as it's become rather unwieldy to be taking places. You know what THAT means!!?? A new project.
::checking out Ravelry and Knitty for a new project to travel with me. I got stuck in the progress of the Lady Kina when I didn't have the right circular needles and as it's not in the budget to buy new ones right now I'm checking to see what else I can knit from my stash.
::being reminded of the abundance in our life. The universe has been conspiring to point out all the goodness we already have. Money comes from unexpected places, things I need suddenly appear or I notice them sitting in storage waiting to be repurposed. Amazing.
::the first run of the season. I'm going to hurt tomorrow but it was so worth it.
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