Joining Ginny at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:
I haven't had much time this week for my beautiful Lorelei scarf and besides I was getting tired of posting the same knitting and the same book week after week. I'm still working on both but they've moved to the back-burner in favour of this knitting and reading.
This is The Em-ster's "That Weasley Girl" sweater. My very first post on this blog was about this sweater. I knitted it to about this point, tried it on her and tragically it was way too small. I started re-knitting it about a month ago at work mostly and now I'm about 4" from finishing the body. It was easier to knit sweaters when my kids were little!!
The Em-ster had no interest in modelling for me this morning so her contribution is the lucky elephant she found at school one day. Not a button I'm thinking of adding, more of a talisman of greeting and good luck.
The wool is Paton's Classic Wool in the colourway of Currant. The top of the sweater is done is moss stitch with increases for the raglan sleeves worked into the pattern. The rest is supposed to be knit in reverse stockinette stitch but that seemed morally wrong to me and I just couldn't knit a sweater inside out so I'm knitting it in normal stockinette.
The Artist's Way has been calling to me for the last 2 weeks. I've worked through it before and find a certain comfort in it's pages. I should just go and buy this book already and maybe I will this afternoon. I'm still reading The Nature Principle but feel less excited about it at the moment.
Do you ever find certain books just call you? It's strange but it's always just the thing I need at that time.
The Artist's Way, if you're not familiar with it, is a 12 week program to help people connect with their creative side. The author has a list of tasks to complete each week and throughout the 12 weeks you start each day by writing 3 pages of stream of consciousness thinking. It's not hard stuff but it's amazing what comes of it. I love how she includes quotes in the side columns and lots of space to write notes...if you own the book!
Nice post! Thanks for share your good piece of content with us.