Friday, February 14, 2014

Live the Life you Want, Want the Life you Live

Life has been asking for a change lately and I've been pondering what form that change should take. What do I want in my life? There are layers to that questions that begin with the "practical" such as what can I realistically accomplish with this house, these kids and the money we currently have? Then once I work through that layer I delve into the "dreaming" layer that asks questions such as what do I want my life to look like? How do I see myself spending my days in my perfect world? What job would I do if I had all the choice in the world? One of my favourite websites is this one: mindbodygreen. Do you know it? If you haven't checked it out you should. It has gotten me through many a difficult day at work with their thought-provoking articles on mindfulness and tips for getting what you want out of life. So I made a list (when I should've been working) of what makes me happy and what I would like my perfect workplace to look like.

Pardon my chicken-scratch. Remember I was supposed to working ;) The second half is the list of things I should do to put this plan into action. It helped. A lot. What would your list look like? Remember it has to be on the "dreaming" level. Ask yourself how you can get there even if the steps are tiny.
You know I can't think of a go-to-the-office job out there that I would really like to have. I want to be in this house and be at home for these kids in the morning when they leave for school and in the afternoon when they come home. So how do you live the life you want when it seems so far from realistic? I guess one step at a time. From starting a blog to get ideas from people to opening an etsy shop selling the things you love to make. Pardon my shameless self-promotion but my shop is called Bubbaloo Bottoms, please check me out.
Wanting the life you live is found in mindfulness I think.

The sights and sounds and small blessings of every day that you have to open your eyes and heart to in order to see them. Today I heard the birds singing as I went out to start the car. While waiting for the bus at the end of a miserable, soul-sucking day I heard the muffled silence of winter and not a cacophony of voices and music. A visitor to work brought valentine's day chocolate and a much-needed shoulder rub. What a blessing he is! When I add it all up there was much to be thankful for today. How 'bout a knitting picture? and the book I'm reading?

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