I apologize for my silence this week. It has been so hard to find my voice and inspiration to post here with the unending cold and snow and blowing winds. It has been winter in these parts for 3 solid months and according to the long range forecast, will continue to be cold and snowy for the next 2 weeks. I am tired of chapped lips, cracked hands and bundling up against this weather. I am tired of fighting to get kids to play outside when I remember fighting to get them to come inside from April to November. Sigh.
In my heart it is summer. In my heart the sun shines warm on the green grass. In my heart the sound of birds wake me up each morning through my open window. In my heart I am lakeside, coffee in hand, watching little fish zip around under the water and there is bacon frying for breakfast (bacon and coffee feature alarmingly often in my dreamlife).
If I just hold onto this place then maybe, just maybe I might be able to get through these last weeks of winter. Here's hoping anyway.
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