It was Family Day yesterday in our neck of the woods. A long weekend in the middle of a long winter meant to break up the stretch from Christmas to Easter that seems to last forever and what you really need is a day off. Many thanks to Dalton McGuinty our former premier who made this happen. I could however do without the pressure of trying to make it a happy, memorable day full of family togetherness. I don't know about you but I find by Sunday evening I'm filled up with family togetherness
and would like a day of family separateness. Throw into the mix a child or children with disabilities or differing ablilities and you're into the realm of holding on for dear life! You are not alone if you met this third day of the weekend with a bit of trepidation wondering what to do and what everyone is expecting of this day.
Let go your preconcieved notions and listen to your gut parents! Family Day like Valentine's Day and Mother's Day is just another day in the week and don't let the world tell you that on this day of days you need to be achieving Family togetherness and harmony. Go with what your family needs. By Day 3 we all needed to be in different places. His Lordship went to his parents' house with our daughter who DID want to spend time with The Great Oma and I was at home with our son who DID NOT want to go and instead went sledding by himself and had a glorious time. And that's ok because everyone was happy and calm.
Our day began with our daughter calling names and making a fuss because she was hungry and breakfast was not cooking fast enough (keep in mind that she is 9). It was pretty unpleasant and did not make me want to spend any day, much less Family Day with her. The boy did feel the pressure to celebrate Family Day and was quite upset by how the day was going and how we were not gathered around the aforementioned table playing Settler's of Catan. I called a family meeting of sorts and we discussed how it's important to gauge the needs and moods of everyone and make a plan that will help everyone to have a good day despite what the calendar says. The Asperger inflexibility reared it's head and there was much gnashing of teeth. Once everyone expressed how they were feeling and he could see that it would not be fun we made a new plan. We gathered around the table a few hours later and enjoyed the beans and ham that had been baking all day in the oven, filling our house with such a fantastic, mouth-watering scent and he and I played game after game of Uno.
I did however, find time to knit on a sweater...
and a pair of mittens...
and a Holden Shawlette
Well actually I just looked at the Holden Shawlette and sighed because it needs to be frogged and the beautiful lace pattern started again :(
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