Sunday, March 15, 2015

Gratitude Sunday: Signs of Green

Joining Taryn today at Wooly Moss Roots blog for Gratitude Sunday. A chance to look back at the week that was and reflect with gratitude.
 Tulips poking through the warm earth this afternoon
 Hostas reaching for the sun
 Can't remember what this is but it's green!!
Tapping our maple tree out front.
Feeling grateful this week for:
::melting snow and green things poking up. It's still early yet in the season and we haven't seen the last of the snow but this gives me hope.
::celebrating my Grandmother's 90th birthday with family. Families are funny things but no matter what they're still your family and share part of your history. I find comfort in that.
::figuring out something we can offer my Grandma to brighten her day. It's all well and good to want to do something but it's so much better when you figure out that one thing you can do. She isn't overly mobile anymore and hasn't left her building in months but bringing her food in to share perks her up so much. I can do that!
::my daughter spending a few days with my parents up north for a change of scenery and a break from her brother. Plus the chance to have her grandparents to herself and be the centre of attention-I am grateful for this opportunity
::seeing my brother after 6 months overseas. I miss not having him in the same province...or country. 
::getting our taxes done yesterday and not having to pay. A refund this year will be a welcome thing to look after this house and garden.
::coffee and bacon.


  1. yes on the coffee and bacon! lol
    have a great week!

  2. Love seeing these green shoots reaching for the sun! Family history is so important. Yay for a tax refund! Coffee and bacon are always on my list. :)
