I'll warn you now, this is going to be a bit of rant. Remember: you were warned ;)
Being March and all, Grade 8 parents everywhere are preparing for graduation in June. Grad photos have been taken and ordered for my son and the first post on Facebook about the search for a dress appeared yesterday. A part of me snapped a little this morning when I heard about this because I know what's coming: the perfect dress/shoes/jewellery, up-dos, parties and make-up. Someone will order a limo to take the proud graduate to the ceremony. And over the top it will go.
I feel like the Lorax right now standing on my tree stump yelling "Won't someone think of the trees?" but in my case I will be the lone parent yelling from atop my reusable shopping bin "Does it always have to be about the money??"
WHY... does everything end up being an excuse to spend large amounts of money on things kids don't need??? The average 13 year old does not need a designer dress and shoes to graduate from public school. The average 13 year old does not need her nails done.
Why are we teaching our children that the most important part of the fact that they have successfully completed public school is that they must look good, must look like a model to do so?
In our house I am celebrating the fact that this boy who could barely make it through a day of school without a parent being called at the age of 6 has completed all the requirements of our public school system to graduate with his friends and go onto high school.
What a momentous achievement for this Aspergian!
I am celebrating the fact that he understands now what is expected of him in a classroom and can meet those expectations.
I am celebrating how well he has learned to self-advocate for his needs in a (mostly) polite and appropriate way.
I am so proud of this boy and all he has achieved, the marks he has earned, the friends he has made and the connections with the adults in his school life that he has forged. Incredible.
And none of this has anything to do with how much money I choose to spend on his graduation from Grade 8. Because, although it is momentous it is also only grade 8.
It's important to keep this in perspective.
As parents lets keep the focus on learning, celebrating hard work, growing up and marking the passing of a milestone. Not on how nice your daughter's nails look or the label inside your son's shirt.
But I digress...
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