Last week when we were at the cottage His Lordship decided that we should go bush-wacking in search of a couple of tiny lakes he had found on a similar expedition. It had been a cool week and the kids were getting bored so we headed into the forest.
Not a great picture above but I was swatting mosquitos while trying to capture the depth and greenness of the forest. You get the idea-it's pretty dense, no trails and really far from well, anything.
We never did find the lakes as the mosquitos were unrelenting and the kids had had enough after not too long. I don't blame them.
We did however find these:
Two rocks balanced on a bit of outcropping of rock. You can't see it very well but there's a 3rd little rock acting as a shim to help keep the other 2, bigger rocks steady. I keep thinking about this pile of moss and lichen-covered rocks in the middle of nowhere. The forest is pretty dense around these rocks and our cottage is pretty far from anywhere and anything. And I wonder who piled these rocks like this? and when? and why? I mean we make little rock piles all over the place now for fun. You see little inukshuks all down highway 400 to cottage country. But these rocks are different somehow. I keep thinking about them and I wish I could travel back in time and see who so carefully placed these rocks in this place.
There was logging here 100 years ago so I can hypothesize that one of the loggers is responsible for this and maybe it was to mark where they'd been or something.
Imagine, this pile of rocks has been there for 100 years.
I guess it's just one of those things that I'll never know the answer to but it sits in my mind and I keep turning it over to see if I can figure it out from a different angle or understand why I keep returning to it.
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