Tuesday, August 12, 2014

In my Garden

I thought I'd take you for a walk in my backyard tonight with pictures I took last week. It's raining cats and dogs here in Waterloo and I didn't get a chance to putter around the yard after work and I'm missing that meditative outside time right now.
This jumble is my vegetable garden. From left to right I have potatoes, red leaf lettuce, carrots (cleverly hidden by the overly-enthusiastic, self-seeding-from-last-year dillweed) and beans. In the top of the picture is my friend's plot and you can see some green cabbage, lots of hot peppers and kale. (Don't tell but I've been nipping her kale and adding it to lunch and dinner for a while now)
If I could get out there now I would try to do something with the bolting, falling-over lettuce and weed around the carrots.
A LOT of green onions. I've added them to everything I can think of and I feel like I've barely made a dent. This photo was taken last week and some of them are now the size of small cooking onions. A friend suggested I freeze them for use in the winter. I'm thinking that's what I'll do with the green tops and use the white bottoms now in cooking.
Isn't that kale beautiful? I'm feeling pretty hopeful for these green tomatoes. Just need some hot weather...
This is my herb bed. The tarragon is going crazy. I have thyme blooming in the background and hiding underneath are oregano, basil, sage, parsley and chives. At our last house I made the mistake of planting mint in a bed. After it spread everywhere I decided that here I would plant it in a planter and save myself the dirty looks from the neighbours.
My perennial bed. It stretches most of the length of my backyard and has orange lilies, sedum, peonies, irises, asters and some low green stuff that I don't know the name of but the foliage smells nice.
Our toad house. One of the kids made it at pottery camp and I thought it made such a great garden ornament. It lives underneath the grapevine behind a plant The Boy gave me for Mother's Day a few years ago. I don't know if any toads have taken shelter in it but I love the sight of it peeking out unexpectedly.
That was fun! Although the rain has stopped, night has fallen now and it's time for me to crawl into bed with a book and maybe I'll even go to sleep early tonight. G'night.


  1. It looks wonderful. I love this time of year in the garden, everything sort of does its own things and yet still manages to look great.

    I am hoping for some warmer weather too, to ripen up the tomatoes. We are getting enough to eat, but I really want to start getting some into the freezer for the winter ahead.

    Happy gardening.

  2. Your garden looks wonderful, and that kale... I don't think we have planted the same variety as mine looks very boring compare to yours. It's been raining a lot here in the alps this summer too.

    1. The kale at least likes the not-so-summery weather we've had this year. I'm not sure which variety it is but if I ever figure it out I'll make sure I plant more next year.

  3. Glad to see the dill is doing well! I so should have come for a visit to steal some. Instead, we bought some dill at the market, along with the cucumbers and are going to attempt this year's edition of Grandma's dill pickles today.

    Your garden looks fantastic!

    1. Hi! You should have come to steal some. I'm waiting for it to go to seed and then I'll harvest it for my own batch of pickles. It's gotten even taller in the last week and towers over my head...like most things these days.
