I had a great conversation tonight with my neighbour who is the mom of an 8 year old and a 15 year old and works full time as well. We compare notes on the rare occasion when we're both not running someone somewhere or trying to get the laundry done or trying to squeeze 2 mins in to do whatever thing it is we do to relax. Tonight I found myself in her kitchen getting instructions on caring for their cat while they went on a family March Break trip and the topic of day by day or hour by hour came up. I definitely know I am now just dealing day by day. My main thoughts are normally about what on earth I am going to pack for lunches, making sure the Emster is on task with her homework and not distracted and getting the dishes washed so our house will not smell like fried onions the next day. I must look to the outside world like the most disorganized parent, always late with permission forms for field trips and cheques for just about everything. But really I am just trying to get by each day making sure everyone is fed, clothed and the most important of tasks are done. It feels like survival parenting most days. I have a list a mile long of Shoulds but there is no way they are getting done and I am getting very good at prioritizing!
My neighbour told me she lives very much hour by hour. With so much going on and people needing so much from her plus her own needs it's how she gets by she says. My neighbour is a loving mother with 2 well adjusted children (at least from my side of the street anyway ;)) so she must be doing something right. But I know we both face the same time challenges. You want to do so much for your kids but there are only 24 hours in a day and you have to sleep 7-8 of them. Something's gotta give.
The whole conversation began when her husband showed me a picture of our daughters together shortly after we moved to our house. They were 4 and 5 then and now they're 8 and 9 and their older daughter is now 15. I mentioned university and driving and she said she's no where near that place in her head yet. Day by day?? forget it! How about hour by hour?! I can understand that. The Boy is off to high school the year after next but I can't begin to think about that when we're still trying to figure out Grade 7.
I do know that more important than permission slips, cheques for end of year trips and lunches is time at the end of the day with these kids. Time to discuss their highlights and lowlights and time to listen to their worries and what they're excited about. Even homework can wait.
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