Some families are soccer families, some families are hockey families. We are a Scouting family and by that I mean our kids are both involved in Scouts Canada, formerly known as Boy Scouts of Canada.
The Boy began as a beaver when he was 5:
and continues on as a Scout today. I like the sense of self esteem it instills with the earning of badges, all the outside activities they do and the importance of volunteering in one's community. His passion is for the outdoors; it's what he lives and breathes and talks about constantly. I couldn't be happier (although a break from the talking occasionally would be nice).
The Em-ster started out in the Girl Guide movement when she was 5 as a Spark. I was heavily into Girl Guides through high school and I wanted her to know the same sense of care and we-can-do-it attitude I had loved. I wanted her to go camping in an all-girls environment and know that she didn't need boys around all the time to start the fire or steer the canoe. Sparks was fine. Lots of games and crafts and fun. She moved onto Brownies and I thought "great, time for the camps" but it was still lots of games and crafts and some community activism but where were the weekend camps? In buildings or tents, I didn't care! I came to the conclusion that either the movement had changed since I was involved in it or I hadn't found the right groups. After her first year of Brownies she asked if she could join Cubs instead. I hesitated. What about doing things with only girls? What about the cameraderie? I decided to let her try and see how it went because what she wanted was to go camping just like her brother.
She loved it and went camping 3 times the first year!
She's in her second year now and says she likes it but would maybe like to try Guides in the fall and see how that is. I know she feels a bit weird sometimes being only one of two girls in the Cub pack. I leave these things up to her to decide. I will do some research first to see if I can find a unit that does go camping so she can maybe experience something of the old Guiding magic.
Other families play sports, we earn badges, go on group hikes and send our kids to camp.
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