Tuesday, July 14, 2015

And Finally July

 I can't believe it's July and it's been so long since I've been able to post! It's been so crazy around here with me being gone 2 or 3 days a week to work in the city. I love the work I'm doing and the adventure of driving into Toronto by myself. Everyone is surviving and getting used to this arrangement. It helps that it's really only temporary. Soon enough the work will dry up but while I can I'm trying to get in as many hours as possible and build a nest egg.
Things are growing like crazy and my vegetable garden is...struggling. But I guess considering how little time I have to put into it as far as weeding goes, it's looking pretty good. The peas and lettuce and potatoes are doing well. Everything else is...struggling. Except the weeds. They're doing really well.
 We've been to the cottage a few times and gone swimming and done "cottage things". I feel like I wait all year for July and here it is and I am so happy. July is my very favourite month. I love the heat and the long days, trips to the cottage and the beach. I love how far away school still is.
This past weekend we made the long trip in to the cottage to bring in our new boat. It's been living in the hangar I work at for over a year while our friend patched holes, sanded and painted it. I am so very grateful for this little boat. I feel safe in it and don't have to worry anymore about our other boat that we had taken to calling "the widow-maker."
This would be my girl in her natural environment-up in a tree. This weekend she chose to stay with my parents rather than coming with us to the cottage. A good thing too as it was a very long, crazy trip in. By the time we got to the cottage and made dinner it was midnight. The next day I managed to get in a paddle and a swim before we began the long journey home.
So, that's my story. How is your summer going?

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