My apologies for my absence these past 2 weeks. Each Tuesday and Thursday I've been commuting an hour and a bit into Toronto, spending 10 or 11 hours trying to remember how to fix airplanes and then driving home again. It's exhausting but so satisfying.
The beginnings of Dandelion Dreamer's Half-Cardi. I have one week to knit it and block it. Yikes!
This girl! Don't we all combine cake-frosting and crocheting??
Feeling grateful this week for:
::satisfying work, feeling totally used up physically and mentally at the end of each day, then a drive home to unwind and process the events of the day
::a family that is willing to make huge concessions to their routines so I can drive into the city and revive my old dream of being an aircraft mechanic
::a new tap in our main floor bathroom. It's been so long since we've been able to fully use that bathroom and with 4 people in this house it makes life so much more peaceful
::2 raised beds in my vegetable garden being made from spare wood. I'd always planned on raised beds but that was way in the future. Now I have them!
::good food and plenty of it
::warm weather finally
::my independent girl who can make, bake and ice her own cake from scratch
::a new knitting project on the go to wear with my fancy clothes for next weekend's wedding reception. Feeling optimistic ;)
::a hammock in the yard. The Em-ster has spent a good chunk of her time in that hammock staring up into the trees, listening to her ipod.
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