Saturday, January 3, 2015

Sleepover hangover

Last night we hosted a sleepover to celebrate the Em-ster's 10th birthday...6 months late. Sigh. At the time of her actual birthday we were so worn out from dealing with a teacher-student match made in hell that we had no energy to entertain and feed a gaggle of girls to mark this momentous birthday.

She had really been struggling at the end of the school year to hold it together at school and we were exhausted from the melt-downs and new behaviour our usually happy-bouncy girl was displaying instead. I am not new to challenging behaviour, having parented The Boy in his Asperger glory for 13 years. But this was new and I was out of my element and struggling too.
It was such a relief for school to end and my girl to finally calm down and be the joy she normally is. To shake things up with a birthday party? We just couldn't do it.
So here I am the morning after, having survived 4 10 year old girls in my house and up till 1:30 am. I am the picture of someone who hasn't taken very good care of herself this week. Have you been there? I bet you have. I shouldn't have stayed up to see midnight on New Year's Eve and I should've gone to bed early the next night. I should've gone for a walk or something this week to get some kind of exercise but I didn't.
However, despite the exhaustion I feel pretty good about how last night went. The Em-ster ran the show without any input from me. I stayed out of things, only appearing to announce that food was ready and smoothing things over when the choice of movie was a not a favourite among all involved. This is how I roll-hands off except when it's needed. Definitely not a helicopter parent for the most part. How are kids supposed to learn anything if you're always jumping in to help/do it for them/make suggestions??
But I digress ;) I'm going to jump on the self-care bandwagon again, read some and go to bed early.
Good night.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that the sleepover went well. Hope you've managed to get caught up on your own sleep since then. :)
