Saturday, October 11, 2014

Chickens and Minions...more knitted mittens

The crocheting of the eyeballs has been successful after many, many, many attempts at magic loops and circles of all kinds. It is no wonder the Yarn Harlot refers to them as the evil loops of crochet.
I was so pleased with my efforts this week that I thought I would share these guys with you:

And yes, I know chickens aren't yellow and chicks (who are yellow) don't have combs. But the colours look great together and we'll just call it artistic license. I will knit a pair of chickens in brown to set the universe back to rights.
Don't you love the minions!! They were so much fun to make once I got the eyes right.
You'll also notice to the right my new Etsy shop. I had all these mittens laying around and thought I'd list them on Etsy and see what happens. Call me a sucker for punishment. And yes, I am knitting in every spare moment and have a pair on the go in every room, in every state of production depending on how much time I have at that moment. I'm sure this will get old soon but it hasn't yet so that has to be a good sign (possibly of insanity...)

1 comment:

  1. Those look great! I especially love the minions. Guess this means I really need to get going on those minion hats. We could likely work out a deal for eye balls in future, perhaps in exchange for dinner? I don't mind making them, as long as I don't have to sew them on. :)

    I finished the Poo Bear hat. It's most excellent, but likely only a 1-2 year-old size. Can't wait to see if you manage to whip up mittens to match!

    Congratulations on the new Etsy store. I see you've sold a pair of cat mittens already!!! Incentive to carry on with the woolly mitten marathon.
