Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:
Knitting away at the Green Tea Raglan. Not sure how this is going to go but I sure am enjoying it right now.
What I'm reading: The Kazidin Method for Parenting your Defiant Child. Parenting in this house has always been a challenge, what with the OCD from my husband and the K-man's Asperger's Disorder. Our daughter has always been what I defined as spirited and high-energy. We are still in the process of assessing her for something else, but it's slow-going. In the meantime we're dealing with some challenging behaviour that is making me want to pull out my hair.
I have read a truckload of parenting books on Autism Spectrum Disorder and general parenting books and at one point threw my hands up and said "No more!". However dealing with several melt-downs a day from a 10 year old had me scrambling for all my resources-library, internet, other parents. In my search I kept coming across this book: The Kazidin Method for Parenting your Defiant Child so I'm giving it a go. I find all parenting books boil down to the same concepts presented in different ways-love your child, spend good quality time with them, praise them for the good stuff, feed them well and make sure they get enough sleep. This one does not disappoint and so far (I'm on chapter 3) he takes the praising bent. I've been using it with good results over the last day or so.
It's not the most exciting read but it has to be done. The chick-lit can wait another week or two :)
This is the wool I'm using to knit up the Green Tea Raglan. It looks great in moss stitch.
My neighbours moved away today, probably because of the crazy lady next door chucking wool on bushes and taking pictures.
And rocks.
What about you? What are you knitting and reading?
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