Sunday, May 25, 2014

Planting-knitting-running-Gratitude Sunday

Joining Taryn today at Wooly Moss Roots for Gratitude Sunday...
After a glorious weekend last weekend at our cottage I had a hard time getting back into the swing of pretty much everything this week and rather than fight it I chose to just go with it and be kind to myself. I thought coming back with Gratitude Sunday was fitting. Sometimes you just have to go back to the basics and slowly add the things that feed your soul and eject the things that just take your energy and give nothing back. So here I am :)
Today I have knit some and gardened some and read some. I went for a run (4 days in a row this week-a small miracle to be sure).
Today I am grateful for:
~May days that feel like summer- 25C, breezy and sunny.

~Time spent digging and planting in my garden. The peas are climbing, the potatoes are all up, the lettuce is all green and red and delicious-looking. I planted the carrots and thought about planting kale (too late I suspect), cucumbers and beans but didn't get much farther than that.
~Kids playing outside all afternoon and coming in sweaty and happy
~Dinner under the maple tree
~Time to read and knit on another little grey mitten and work on my Jackaroo sweater.
(The little purple flowers are all over our lawn and they're too pretty to dig out)
(My neighbours must think I'm crazy chucking random knitting projects on bushes and taking pictures)
~One side of my Jackaroo is all sewn up and I'm well on my way to being done the other side. I tried it on and it's definitely too small. Sigh. It will fit the Em-ster perfectly and I did promise her a sweater...
~A good run where I ran more than I walked.
~Using up leftovers in my fridge to make strawberry freezer jam and chicken soup. It's good to be thrifty.
Coming back from my run I saw the most beautiful, peaceful thing. A couple of people were at the end of their driveway making enormous bubbles that floated and shimmered before they popped. It looked like Tai Chi the way they were slowly forming and releasing the bubbles. The best part was that they appeared to be doing it for their own amusement as there weren't any kids around and they were probably in their 40's. How great is that?!


  1. I had to smile about taking pictures of your knits -- my neighbors think I'm a little strange that way too! And now I want to make some bubbles this week! Beautiful list of gratitudes.

  2. You do what ya gotta do I say. I think they think we're a little odd in this house anyway so why not run with it. I'm definitely going to make some tai chi bubbles after the kids go to bed. We could start a new trend!
